A girl looking at stars with a  telescope
A girl looking at stars with a  telescope
A girl looking at stars with a  telescope

Write Your Own Page

Write Your Own Page

Write Your Own Page

Share your story with students around the world.

Share your story with students around the world.

Share your story with students around the world.

Submissions due February 28th

February 28th Deadline


Get a great resume activity

Get a great activity for your college apps.

A coin that contains a symbol about collaboration

Have a positive impact

Make the world a little bit better.


Share your experience

Let future students learn from your experience.

How it works

1000 Journeys

In this project, you're not just a contributor; you're a storyteller, an artist, a poet. You get to submit one page – it could be anything that resonates with you: a short story, an artwork, a poem, or a personal essay. Your work will be compiled with those of your peers, creating a mosaic of student experiences and perspectives. It's an opportunity to see your work in print and be part of something bigger – a collective narrative where every page, including yours, is essential.

An umbrella resisting to bad weather
An umbrella resisting to bad weather
An umbrella resisting to bad weather